Monday, March 27, 2023

Inheritance in Java: Reuse and Specialize Code

Inheritance in Java is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows developers to create new classes by extending the functionality of existing classes. Java, one of the most popular programming language, fully supports inheritance and provides a wide range of tools and features to facilitate its implementation. In this article, we will explore the basics of inheritance in Java, its types, and how it can be used to create robust, efficient, and flexible code.

Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in Java is achieved through the use of the "extends" keyword, which allows a new class to inherit the properties and methods of an existing class. 
The existing class is called the "parent" class or "superclass," and the new class is called the "child" class or "subclass."

Inheritance in Java

public class SubClass extends SuperClass
// fields and methods of the subclass 

In this example, SubClass is the name of the new class, and SuperClass is the name of the base class. The subclass inherits all the public and protected fields and methods of the superclass, which can be accessed using the dot notation.

Types of Inheritance in Java

  1. Simple/Single Inheritance
  2. Multi-level Inheritance
  3. Hierarchical Inheritance
  4. Multiple Inheritance
  5. Hybrid Inheritance
Types of Inheritance in Java

Simple/Single Inheritance 

What is Single-Level Inheritance?

Single-level inheritance is a type of inheritance where a new class (called a subclass) is created by inheriting the properties (methods and variables) of an existing class (called a superclass). The subclass can then add its own properties or override the properties of the superclass. The superclass, however, cannot inherit from any other class.

Simple/Single Inheritance

Syntax of Single-Level Inheritance:

The syntax for creating a subclass that inherits from a superclass in Java is as follows:

class Subclass extends Superclass { // subclass members }

Here, the keyword extends is used to indicate that the Subclass is inheriting from the Superclass. Any properties (methods or variables) defined in the Superclass are automatically inherited by the Subclass. The Subclass can then add its own members, such as additional methods or variables.

Benefits of Single-Level Inheritance:

  1. Code Reusability: Single-level inheritance allows the subclass to inherit properties from the superclass, which can save time and effort in coding. This can be particularly useful in situations where multiple classes have similar properties.
  2. Improved Organization: Single-level inheritance can help to organize code by grouping related properties together in a superclass. This can make code easier to understand and maintain, especially in larger projects.
  3. Polymorphism: Single-level inheritance can be used to implement polymorphism, which is the ability of an object to take on many forms. This allows the subclass to behave as both the superclass and the subclass, which can be useful in a variety of situations.

Examples of Single-Level Inheritance:

Let's take an example to better understand how single-level inheritance works in Java. Suppose we have a class called Animal that has two properties: name and sound. We can then create a subclass called Cat that inherits the properties of Animal, as shown below:

class Animal
String name; 
String sound; 
class Cat extends Animal
public void meow() { 

In this example, the Cat class inherits the name and sound properties from the Animal class. The Cat class then adds its own property called meow, which is a method that prints the word "Meow" to the console.

Single-level inheritance is a powerful feature of Java that allows us to reuse code, organize properties, and implement polymorphism. By inheriting properties from a superclass, the subclass can reduce the amount of code that needs to be written while also adding its own unique properties. Single-level inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming and is widely used in Java development.

Multi-level Inheritance 

What is Multi-Level Inheritance?

Multi-level inheritance is a type of inheritance where a new class (called a subclass) is created by inheriting the properties (methods and variables) of another class, which itself has inherited from a superclass. In other words, the subclass inherits properties from both its immediate parent class (the intermediate class) and the parent class of that intermediate class (the base class). This creates a hierarchy of classes, where each class is built on top of the previous one.

Multi-level Inheritance

Syntax of Multi-Level Inheritance:

The syntax for creating a subclass that inherits from a parent class, which itself has inherited from a superclass, in Java is as follows:

class Subclass extends IntermediateClass
// subclass members 
class IntermediateClass extends Superclass
// intermediate class members 

Here, the Subclass inherits properties from both the IntermediateClass and the Superclass. The IntermediateClass is used as a bridge between the Subclass and the Superclass.

Benefits of Multi-Level Inheritance:

  1. Code Reusability: Multi-level inheritance allows the subclass to inherit properties from multiple classes, which can save time and effort in coding. This can be particularly useful in situations where multiple classes have similar properties.
  2. Improved Organization: Multi-level inheritance can help to organize code by creating a hierarchy of classes. This can make code easier to understand and maintain, especially in larger projects.
  3. Polymorphism: Multi-level inheritance can be used to implement polymorphism, which is the ability of an object to take on many forms. This allows the subclass to behave as both the intermediate class and the superclass, which can be useful in a variety of situations.

Examples of Multi-Level Inheritance:

Let's take an example to better understand how multi-level inheritance works in Java. Suppose we have a class called Animal that has two properties: name and sound. We can then create an intermediate class called Mammal that inherits the properties of Animal, and a subclass called Cat that inherits the properties of Mammal, as shown below:

class Animal
String name; 
String sound; 
class Mammal extends Animal { 
int numLegs; 
class Cat extends Mammal { 
public void meow()

In this example, the Mammal class inherits the name and sound properties from the Animal class, and adds its own property called numLegs. The Cat class then inherits the name, sound, and numLegs properties from the Mammal class, and adds its own property called meow, which is a method that prints the word "Meow" to the console.

Multi-level inheritance is a powerful feature of Java that allows us to reuse code, organize properties, and implement polymorphism in a hierarchical manner. By inheriting properties from multiple classes, the subclass can reduce the amount of code that needs to be written while also adding its own unique properties. Multi-level inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming and is widely used in Java development.

Hierarchical Inheritance

What is Hierarchical Inheritance?

Hierarchical inheritance is a type of inheritance where a new class (called a subclass) is created by inheriting the properties (methods and variables) of a single parent class (called a superclass). The subclass inherits all the properties of the parent class and adds its own unique properties. Unlike multi-level inheritance, hierarchical inheritance does not involve intermediate classes.

Hierarchical Inheritance

Syntax of Hierarchical Inheritance:

The syntax for creating a subclass that inherits from a single parent class in Java is as follows :

class Subclass1 extends Superclass
// subclass1 members 
class Subclass2 extends Superclass
// subclass2 members 

Here, both the Subclass1 and Subclass2 inherit properties from the Superclass.

Benefits of Hierarchical Inheritance:

  1. Code Reusability: Hierarchical inheritance allows the subclass to inherit properties from a single parent class, which can save time and effort in coding. This can be particularly useful in situations where multiple classes have similar properties.
  2. Improved Organization: Hierarchical inheritance can help to organize code by creating a hierarchy of classes. This can make code easier to understand and maintain, especially in larger projects.
  3. Polymorphism: Hierarchical inheritance can be used to implement polymorphism, which is the ability of an object to take on many forms. This allows the subclass to behave as the superclass, which can be useful in a variety of situations.

Examples of Hierarchical Inheritance:

Let's take an example to better understand how hierarchical inheritance works in Java. Suppose we have a class called Shape that has two properties: area and perimeter. We can then create two subclasses called Circle and Rectangle that inherit the properties of Shape, as shown below:

class Shape {  
double area; 
double perimeter; 
class Circle extends Shape
double radius; 
class Rectangle extends Shape
double length; 
double width; 

In this example, the Circle class inherits the area and perimeter properties from the Shape class and adds its own property called radius. The Rectangle class also inherits the area and perimeter properties from the Shape class and adds its own properties called length and width.

Hierarchical inheritance is a powerful feature of Java that allows us to reuse code, organize properties, and implement polymorphism in a simple and straightforward manner. By inheriting properties from a single parent class, the subclass can reduce the amount of code that needs to be written while also adding its own unique properties. Hierarchical inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming and is widely used in Java development.

Hybrid Inheritance

What is Hybrid Inheritance?

Hybrid inheritance is a type of inheritance where a class inherits from two or more classes using different types of inheritance. This is achieved by creating a class hierarchy with multiple levels of inheritance, where each level uses a different type of inheritance. For example, a class can inherit from a parent class using hierarchical inheritance and also inherit from another class using multiple inheritance.

Hybrid Inheritance

Syntax of Hybrid Inheritance:

The syntax for creating a subclass that inherits from two or more classes using hybrid inheritance in Java is as follows:

class Subclass extends Superclass1, Superclass2 { // subclass members }

Here, the Subclass inherits properties from both Superclass1 and Superclass2 using hybrid inheritance.

Benefits of Hybrid Inheritance:

  1. Code Reusability: Hybrid inheritance allows the subclass to inherit properties from multiple classes, which can save time and effort in coding. This can be particularly useful in situations where multiple classes have similar properties.
  2. Improved Organization: Hybrid inheritance can help to organize code by creating a hierarchy of classes with multiple levels of inheritance. This can make code easier to understand and maintain, especially in larger projects.
  3. Polymorphism: Hybrid inheritance can be used to implement polymorphism, which is the ability of an object to take on many forms. This allows the subclass to behave as the superclass, which can be useful in a variety of situations.

Drawbacks of Hybrid Inheritance:

  1. Complexity: Hybrid inheritance can be complex and difficult to understand, especially in large projects with many classes and levels of inheritance. This can make debugging and maintenance more challenging.
  2. Code Duplication: Hybrid inheritance can lead to code duplication if the same properties are inherited from multiple classes. This can make the code harder to maintain and increase the risk of errors.

Examples of Hybrid Inheritance:

Let's take an example to better understand how hybrid inheritance works in Java. Suppose we have a class called Shape that has two properties: area and perimeter. We can then create two subclasses called Circle and Rectangle that inherit the properties of Shape using hierarchical inheritance. We can then create another class called Color that has a property called color, and a subclass called ColoredCircle that inherits the properties of both Circle and Color using multiple inheritance, as shown below:

class Shape
double area; 
double perimeter; 
class Circle extends Shape
double radius; 
class Rectangle extends Shape
double length; double width; 
class Color { String color; 
class ColoredCircle extends Circle, Color { 
// subclass members 

In this example, the ColoredCircle class inherits the properties of both Circle and Color using hybrid inheritance. It inherits the area, perimeter, and radius properties from the Circle class using hierarchical inheritance and the color property from the Color class using multiple inheritance.

Hybrid inheritance is a powerful feature of Java that allows us to combine multiple types of inheritance in one class hierarchy.

Why Multiple Inheritance is not Supported in Java ?

Multiple inheritance is not supported in Java because it can lead to the diamond problem, where a subclass inherits conflicting methods or properties from multiple parent classes.

The diamond problem occurs when a class extends two or more classes that have a common superclass. If the subclass calls a method that is defined in both parent classes, it is unclear which implementation to use.

For example, suppose we have two classes called A and B that both have a method called foo():

class A
public void foo()
 System.out.println("A's foo"); 
class B
public void foo()
 System.out.println("B's foo"); 

If we try to create a subclass called C that extends both A and B, Java will not allow it because it does not know which implementation of foo() to use.

class C extends A, B { // compile error: unexpected token "," }

To solve the diamond problem, Java supports only single inheritance using classes. However, multiple inheritance can still be achieved using interfaces. In Java, a class can implement multiple interfaces, which allows it to inherit properties and methods from all those interfaces.

For example, suppose we have two interfaces called X and Y:

interface X
void methodX()
interface Y { void methodY()

We can create a class called Z that implements both X and Y using interface inheritance:

class Z implements X, Y { 
public void methodX() { 
// implementation of methodX 
public void methodY() { 
// implementation of methodY 

In this way, we can achieve the benefits of multiple inheritance using interfaces without encountering the diamond problem.

Overall, while multiple inheritance can be a powerful feature, it can also lead to confusion and ambiguity in the code. Java's decision to restrict multiple inheritance using classes helps to ensure the clarity and maintainability of the code.


Inheritance is a powerful and versatile feature of Java that can help developers create robust, efficient, and flexible code. By using inheritance wisely, developers can save time and effort, improve the quality and maintainability of their code, and create software that is more adaptable and extensible.

You Know?

1.What is the inheritance in Java?

Inheritance in Java is a mechanism in which one object acquires all the properties and behaviors of a parent object.

2.What are the 4 types of inheritance in Java?

Types of Inheritance in Java: 
  1. Single Inheritance 
  2. Multiple Inheritance 
  3. Multilevel Inheritance 
  4. Hybrid Inheritance 
3.What are the advantages of inheritance?

Inheritance is a feature of object-oriented programming that facilitates code reuse, which leads to reduced development and maintenance costs. When existing code is reused, it enhances the reliability of the software system. In addition, inheritance allows subclasses to follow a standard interface, which reduces code redundancy and supports code extensibility.

4.Why hybrid is not possible in Java?

Java does not support hybrid inheritance because it does not support multiple inheritance. Instead, to achieve the functionality of hybrid inheritance, developers can use interfaces. Interfaces in Java allow a class to inherit multiple behaviors from multiple interfaces, which provides similar functionality to multiple inheritance.

5.Is multiple inheritance is possible in Java?

The Java programming language restricts the extension of more than one class to avoid the problems associated with multiple inheritance of state, where fields are inherited from multiple classes. This design decision was made to prevent conflicts that may arise from inheriting state from multiple classes, which can lead to ambiguity and complexity in the code. Instead of multiple inheritance, Java supports the use of interfaces, which allow for the implementation of multiple behaviors without inheriting state.

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